Missouri Western State University

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Masters in Nursing

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Masters in Nursing

Missouri Western offers two Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) tracks: Health Care Leadership and Nurse Educator. Each track requires completion of 32 credit hours, 20 of these hours are core shared courses between the two tracks. In addition, the nursing and business programs have partnered to offer a Master of Science in Nursing in Health Care Leadership/Master of Business Administration degree. This unique dual degree program consists of 47 credit hours, 26 nursing...} Read more

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Missouri Western State University


4525 Downs Drive


St. Joseph



Zip Code



Why choose Missouri Western to earn your BSN Degree? Coursework: Coursework is a combination of general education, nursing support and nursing courses. The typical size of a nursing lecture class is 50 students. Clinical courses have a ratio of no more than 10 students per 1 clinical instructo...
Missouri Western offers two Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) tracks: Health Care Leadership and Nurse Educator. Each track requires completion of 32 credit hours, 20 of these hours are core shared courses between the two tracks. In addition, the nursing and business programs have...
RN to MSN accelerated options now available! Earn both your BSN and MSN Three tracks available: Health Care Leadership, Nurse Educator and MSN/MBA Save time and money!  Up to 12 credits may be counted toward both degrees.

Nursing Faculty Jobs

Missouri Western State University’s College of Science and Health and School of Nursing invites applications for tenure-track Assistant Professor in Nursing position beginning August 2023. Successful candidates for this Assistant Professor position should be able to contribute to this growing...